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How Waste Water Treatment Plants Carry Out Processes?

The process of waste water treatment is closely related to the standards and/or expectations set for the sewage quality. Waste water treatment plants are intended by proficient engineers to achieve enhancements in the wastewater quality. These plants are efficient in reducing-

  • Suspended solids- Visible impurities can clog rivers or channels when they settle under gravity. The sewage treatment plants remove these suspended solids.
  • Biodegradable organics- These are the foods for microorganisms. Microorganisms combine this matter with oxygen present in water to release the energy so that they can thrive and grow. However, this oxygen is also needed by other organisms and fishes in the river/water body. If the pollution is heavy, it can lead to dead zone or no water life zone.
  • Pathogenic bacteria- These are harmful bacteria as these cause many diseases in human. Pathogenic bacteria are relevant where receiving water is used for drinking or cooking.
  • Nutrients- it includes nitrates and phosphates. Due to these nutrients, unwanted algae can be developed. Treatment process may also remove industrial waste and toxic chemicals released by industries. However, this type of treatment should be performed at industrial plant itself prior discharging of their effluent in water courses.
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There are three stages of the process-

Primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment processes are performed by water treatment plant.

Primary or mechanical treatment is used for removal of gross, suspended and floating solids from raw sewage. The process includes screening to trap solid waste and debris by gravity to remove suspended solids. With the help of primary treatment, company can reduce the BOD of the incoming wastewater up to 30% and around 50-60% of solid waste.

Secondary treatment is a biological process that removes dissolved organic compounds that are left untreated in primary stage. This is achieved by microbes that consume organic compounds like food and convert it into carbon dioxide, energy, and water for their growth and reproduction.

Tertiary treatment is an additional phase that is efficient in removing more than 99% of the impurities from wastewater. The technology can be expensive and require well trained and experienced treatment plant operators, chemicals, constant energy supply and specific equipment that may not be readily available.

There are companies making sophisticated and cost efficient waste water treatment plants. You can approach them and avail your desired design model from them. Search online as internet is a pool where you can avail every detail. To make your work easier, you can directly contact Ocean Global experts and share your requirements with them. The professionals working with Ocean Global will respond to your query and will provide you quote for the same.