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Explain about STP Plant and its Process

We can’t imagine a day without water. If any day water doesn’t come through corporation or due to any circumstances then we get in tension as how we will adjust without water? With our lives revolving around the basic needs of water it becomes utmost important firstly to use water efficiently and secondly how to re-use the waste water.

With so many campaigns and information targeting how to safe water and use it in efficient manner there still rises a question of what to be done with the water that go in the drains and how can they be made ready for re-use. STP Plant is the answer to all your queries related to treatment of water.

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STP Plant – A Better Understanding

STP (sewage treatment process) plant becomes very necessary as the world is rapidly using all its present water resources and the remaining water bodies are melting and there will be a day that not a single drop of water will be available on this god’s green earth. Having said that we all can at least make it point to prolong that last moment a bit in our ways by knowing about the STP plant and follow the guidelines of the authorities.

STP Plant is the process through which the waste waters either from rain, households or industrial wastes are treated by allowing waste water to go through various filtrations and cleansing processes. The other common name of STP Plant is waste water treatment.

STP Plant - Process

  • In the initial step of STP Plant the waste water is passed through various phase, treatment begins with allowing the water to get still so that all the heavy contaminations can settle down and in case there is some kind of oily and greasy pollutants are mixed then it can come above water. The heavy particles are then carefully removed and the water is passed through fine nets so that water can be easily drained from all the heavy particles.
  • Third step contains the removing of dissolved chemicals which with times diluted in water, many chemicals are used to clean the water from such solvents as some amount of those harmful solvents can lead to many water borne diseases.

With scarcity of water leading to quarrels between two states recently in our country and two of main states still fighting out in court for the rights of particular damn water there is a huge need for every state / city that more and more STP Plant should be built so that the waste water can be treated at a rapid pace and can be supplied for further use. With this we should all pledge to use water as efficiently as possible and don’t ever waste as an old saying goes “When there is water there is life”.